Thursday, November 19, 2009

Random thoughts for a Thursday

There was more job hunting to be done today. I saw something rather random tonight. I was watching the show "Flash Forward", and a Japanese girl pulled up a Bob Dylan video on her computer. She was either learning the cords or doing air guitar. I have the complete video plus footage that was never released, but I will share with you the video that she was watching.

I have been dealing with "thoughts" again. Some of these are not really helpful especially when they tell you that they are good ideas. I have an appointment coming up so that is good. I am reminded of the movie "Harold and Maude." When I was young, I would keep track of it playing at the West Gate theater. I would be held over for weeks and weeks. I believe it was held over for 106 continuous weeks. When they stopped showing it. the theater closed for good. Years later, I got a job at a dry cleaners. After looking around the place, I was aware that this was once a theater. I asked if it was once the West Gate, and it sure was. Here is a song from that movie that from time to time I can relate:

Music for tonight:

Dead to the Core 60:

Grateful Dead
May 1, 1981
Hampton Coliseum
Hampton, VA

Grateful Dead
May 11, 1981
New Haven Coliseum
New Haven, CT

Grateful Dead
May 16, 1981
Cornell University -Barton Hall
Ithaca, NY

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