Friday, November 13, 2009

A rememberance of a special book

Today as I was browsing through a site that I visit often, someone had remarked that they had recently seen a movie about Christine F. This jogged a long lost memory of mine. Though this is not the most reliable source of information on the web, it scratched the curiosity itch well. It seems that when I was in the Army in West Germany back in 1985 someone I had met at a meeting had recommended this book to me called Christiane F. – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo. It was about a teenage drug addict in the streets of Berlin. Why it struck a cord with me was that the girl was my age. I was doing drugs at her age as well. My life was not as bad, but I felt felt like a living hell internally. It is a miracle that I survived that period of my life. Actually, I feel most of the time like a walking contradiction.

"Well then Fido got up off the floor an' he rolled over An' he looked me straight in the eye An' you know what he said? Once upon a time Somebody say to me (This is a dog talkin' now) What is your Conceptual Continuity? Well, I told him right then (Fido said) It should be easy to see The crux of the biscuit Is the Apostrophe(')Well, you know The man who was talkin' to the dog Looked at the dog an' he said: (sort of staring in desbelief)"You can't say that!"He said:"IT DOESN'T, 'n YOU CAN'T! I WON'T, 'n IT DON'T! IT HASN'T, IT ISN'T, IT EVEN AIN'T 'N IT SHOULDN'T . . .IT COULDN'T!"He told me NO NO NO!I told him YES YES YES!I said: "I do it all the time . . .Ain't this boogie a mess!" (Stinkfoot by Frank Zappa, from "Apostrophe" 1974)

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