Friday, April 23, 2010

Cadillac Records/North Country

What a fool am I for not having seen Cadillac Records when it first came out.  I got my PS3 to stream movies from Netflix, and this came up as one of the offerings.  I had some time to kill today, so I loaded it up to watch it.  I have the Chess box set of Muddy Water's recordings.  They are fantastic.  A friend burned me a disc worth of Chuck Berry from his Chess box set.  I featured it awhile ago in another entry.  The storyline in this movie that interested me most was that of Etta James.  Beyonce as Etta was a gritty performance.  The woman certainly has the chops when it comes to acting.  I mention this because I often think of her mainly as a singer.  She covers Etta's songs wonderfully.  I would like though to offer the original tunes here.  Here are some of her classic numbers.  The first is "I'd Rather Go Blind."  Here is the original version of "At Last"; Beyonce sang her version at the inauguration ball where President Obama and his wife Michelle danced together.  Now to top it all off, we have Etta James with The Tower of Power Horns jamming with the Grateful Dead on New Year's Eve doing "Hard To Handle."

This evening was spent watching the movie North Country. It is about the struggle against sexual harassment in an iron mine in Northern Minnesota.  The soundtrack has lots of songs provided by Bob Dylan who comes from that area.  I heard a story long ago about him at his high school talent show in Hibbing, MN.  The story went that he was booed off the stage.  I met a person who was my coworker that was there at the show.  She told me that the story was true.  I also met a guy whose brother went to school with Dylan, and he was at the talent show as well.  It is a strange world in that part of the country.  It is like stepping backwards in time.  Here is a tune from the movie's soundtrack "Sweetheart Like You."

Music for today:

None.  I was recovering from a cold today, so I curled up and watched movies.  Tomorrow will be different.

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