Thursday, August 5, 2010

Amazing Things Found While Cleaning

Back in May, I got a phone call from my friend's mother asking for some help for my friend.  I never heard anything from them, so I forgot about until I cleaned out my voice mail.  It seemed that I had let them build up for way too long.  I found the original message, and I called her asking her about him.  She told me that he was now living near me.  I called him up, and we got together today.  He appears to be doing so much better than the last time I saw him.  I was very happy to see him.  He feels really good about being where he is, and he has some tangible goals in front of him.  This is a very good thing for him.  I know how he feels because I had been in his place.

I bought a new hard drive (what else is new?). I am going to put my others in to storage, so I don't lose any shows or anything else off of them.  I was talking to someone recently about that, and they said I should make a list of what is on each drive.  That way I wouldn't have to hunt through each drive to find what I am looking to burn off of it. This person is way too wise beyond their years.  This way I will finally have a list of all my shows. Hmmmm? Not bad if I do say so myself.

Music for today:
Dark Star Orchestra
June 25, 2010
People's Court
Des Moines, IA
listen here

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